Visionary Posters – Have your say!
12 – 16-year-olds
$15 pp
10am - 12pm
Come and create art that inspires others to act!
“Hundertwasser’s popularity is not only based on the radiance of his colourful paintings and his visionary architecture, but also on his active dedication to and many interventions on behalf of comprehensive nature and environment protection.”
Join this poster making workshop, experimenting with collage to create change. We encourage you to express your own voice, your thoughts, what’s important to you, in a creative and graphic way.
“Collage describes both the technique and the resulting work of art in which pieces of paper, photographs, fabric and other ephemera are arranged and stuck down onto a supporting surface.
The term collage derives from the French term papiers collés (or découpage), used to describe techniques of pasting paper cut-outs onto various surfaces. It was first used as an artists’ technique in the early twentieth century.
Collage can also include other media such as painting and drawing and contain three-dimensional elements.”
We will provide a selection of diverse materials to make your collage a success.
Take time to consider what is important to you and what message you want to share. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.